Aiight, cuzzo. Here are some real movie teaser posters that look absolutely tough. The first one is Pandorum and it looks super redic! The movie's about these men on stranded in a spacecraft and they have amnesia so they don't know what the hell is goin' on. Then there are these savages onboard and it gets crazy. I'm definitely trying to peep.
The next one is Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr. You can't really tell if the movie's really gonna be good by this poster but it looks pretty epic. The next jawn is 2012 and its a doomsday type movie. I just saw the trailer and it looks sooooo crazy. [2012 Trailer] I'm peeping opening weekend I promise you.
And the last poster is Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards starring Brad Pitt. Its a WWII flick but way better. Its directed by Tarantino so its gonna be a lot of outta control sequences. Im excited for this one. Tarantino is a tough ass director. That's about it so stay up.
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