Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Violent Red Band Trailer for "Let the Bullets Fly" Starring Chow Yun-Fat

Watch after the jump!


Set in China during the warring 1920s, the bandit "Pocky" Zhang Mazi (Jiang Wen) and the other bandits ambush a conman; Tang (Ge You) who is posing as the Governor Ma Bandage with his wife. Zhang then proceeds to Goosetown taking Tang's place as the local governor. Tang becomes his counselor, while Tang's wife poses as Zhang's wife. Zhang's aim at this position is opposed by local mobster Master Huang (Chow Yun Fat) who lives in his fortified citadel overlooking the town. While Tang is aware of Huang's previous financial arrangement with the town's former governor, Zhang is not interested in sharing his wealth with a crook he finds to be as unworthy as himself. A deadly mind game between Zhang and Huang ensues, with Master Six (Zhang's godson), Zhang's "wife", Two, and eventually Tang as casualties. Zhang wins in the end, by means of sedition and deception, ousting Huang by his own deception.

The movie hits theaters and On Demand on March 2nd, 2012

Props to Geek Tyrant!

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