An apocalyptic love story for the Mad Max generation, Evan Glodell’s impressive feature debut paints a classic, yet urgently contemporary, tale of the destructive power of love.
Bellflower follows two friends who spend their time building flamethrowers and other weapons in the hope that a global apocalypse will occur and clear the runway for their imaginary gang, Mother Medusa, to reign supreme. While waiting for the destruction to commence, one of them meets a charismatic young woman and falls in love—hard. Quickly integrating into a new group of friends, the pair set off on a journey of betrayal, love, hate, and extreme violence more devastating than any of their apocalyptic fantasies.
Geek Tyrant Review:
It's astonishingly unique and simply a really good movie. Parts of it are tough to watch (brutal, unflinching violence are peppered in here and there), but it also had an ineffable way of making me nostalgic for memories I've never even experienced....Writer/director/star Evan Glodell uses a muted but stylized color palette to great success, and does a great job at capturing an indescribable ambience to match the highly original narrative. There's something immeasurably cool about seeing a real homemade flame thrower fired on screen and a tricked-out muscle car spew actual fire from its exhaust... The writing is strong, the storytelling is fantastic, and Bellflower is one for the ages... Love it or hate it, Bellflower is a ballsy look into love, heartbreak, and destruction that you won't be able to forget.
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